A 40 year old man went into a killing frenzy last month and was nearly arrested. He repeated the same act but this time in a particular school in China. He hurt 18 students and one teacher. Arrested by the police and sentenced to death due 23 march . Zheng Minsheng, 41 did these acts due to rage and depression taht was spurned by a lover. The injured were sent to hopitals but there were no reports of any deaths. Zheng used a dagger to stab children in the neck, stomach, chest and back before being subdues by onlookers.
Comments : We feel that security must be tightened because the life and the safetyness of the students are of paramount importance. Security guards should be placed in every school to ensure that people like Zheng Minsheng can be stopped before he is able to hurt any students. He should not use his personal relationship problem as an excuse to go mentally unstable and start slashing innocent students. As an adult, he is mature enough to think and should control his emotions. Unless the school starts to become more responsible for the safetyness of the students, we believe that after this incident the institute will begin to lose more of its students as many parents will pull their kids out of this school to prevent the incident from occurring again.
Done by: Whole group
Status : Done
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